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Inscriptions /Submissions




Instructions for inscription - VI International Week of Archeology




You’ll receive the confirmations of your inscription and Submission/Approval (when applicable) by e-mail. Stay tuned, if you don’t receive any confirmation contact the organization.                        



1 - It’s important to read the file with submission’s rules.

2 -  During the submission process of your abstract it’ll be necessary attach 2 files: Identified  Works and Non-Identified Works. This is part of Even3 procedures, the “Non- identified works” are sended to examiner  and the “identified works” are saved at the site.                                                                                                                                         


We’re trying to negotiate accomodation at the Center of Sportif Pratiques of University of São Paulo (CEPE - USP) for the interested in it. The space has rooms with bunk beds and it's necessary bring sheets, pillows, blanket and hygiene products. Soon we'll have informations about prices. If you're interested during your inscription let us know so we can organize our budget to reduce the costs.      

Submission Rules - Poster


Only undergraduate students may submit works in the poster format. Submissions that are rejected will not have their monetary value refunded. Submissions that are rejected will not have their monetary value refunded.


Submission Guidelines

Main author *


Funding Agency * (If none, write NONE)

Institution * (If none, write NONE)

Education *: Graduation in progress, Full undergraduate, Post-graduate in progress, Postgraduate course, Professional trained

Title of the presentation *

Summary (200 words) *

Special Needs for Presentation


* Required information


Guidelines for the preparation of the poster

The dimensions of the poster should be 90 cm wide by 100 cm high;

It is mandatory that the poster be made with a lanyard to hang;

The title of the poster must be the same title of the abstract sent at the time of registration;

The abstract of the poster will be published in the Notebook of Abstracts in the digital version;

The poster must contain the name (s) of the author (s) and Institution - name and place (city / state) - to which the poster is linked;


We suggest for basic structure of the poster:


- Introduction delimiting the research object / problem and geographical area (when applicable);

- Material and method;

- Results, conclusions and final considerations;

- Bibliography;

- Organize the information so that the central ideas of the work are easily understood;

- Clarity in the presented text and in the relation between figures and tables;

- All figures present in the body of the text must have legend. Tables should be prepared concise and clear, with explanatory captions.

The text of the poster shall be legible at a distance of at least 2 meters;


The posters will be presented at a time and place to be established by the Organizing Committee and previously disclosed;

During the evaluation of the poster, at the pre-established time, the Organizing Committee will verify the presence of the presenter. If there is no one present at the time of the presentation, the poster will not participate in the selection of the best poster of the event;


All certificates will be delivered in digital format to the e-mails registered at the time of registration, both for authors and co-authors;


The panels will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee, considering its structure and the knowledge of the presenter about the work, visual and graphic quality of the poster;


The release of the best poster will be held during the closing ceremony of the event;


The poster authors should remove them at the end of the day of their presentation. The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for abandoned posters during or after the presentation.

Submission Rules - Communication


Postgraduate students, professionals and also undergraduates and graduates can submit individual communications.


We work for all those enrolled to present their work, however if we exceed the number of possible registrations, priority will be given to postgraduate students and professionals in the area.



Submissions that are rejected will not have their monetary value refunded.



Submission Guidelines



Main author *


Funding Agency * (If none, write NONE)

Institution * (If none, write NONE)

Education *: Graduation in progress, Full undergraduate, Post-graduate in progress, Postgraduate course, Professional trained

Title of the presentation *

Summary (200 words) *

Special Needs for Presentation


* Required information




Communication standards



The presentations will last for 15 minutes and 5 minutes for questions;


The organization of the event will make

available a show and computer for the presentation;


In the event that other devices (eg sound) are required, leave it already on the form in the appropriate place or contact the Organizing

Committee in advance to verify its availability and previous installation;


Organizing the presentations is the responsibility of the Organizing Committee;


All the tables will have a mediator, who will be responsible for organizing the debate and speaking times;


All certificates will be delivered in digital format to the e-mails registered at the time of registration, both for authors and co-authors;


The summary of the communication will be published in the Book of Abstracts in the digital version;


The presenter must appear at least 10 minutes before the start of the table. THE PRESENTER (A) WHO DOES NOT APPOINT AT THE DEPENDING SCHEDULE CAN NOT MAKE HIS PRESENTATION.

May 20 - 24, 2019 - FFLCH/USP - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo - SP - Brazil

20 a 24 de maio de 2019 - FFLCH/USP - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo - SP - Brasil

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