VI International Week of Archaeology
Students MAE-USP
The students of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology of the University of São
Paulo invite everyone to the 6 th International Week of Archeology of the MAE/USP,
which will be held between May 20 and 24 of 2019, on the campus of the University of
Sao Paulo. This edition will mostly focus on contemporary themes and how to think
Archeology by means of social and political practices, especially in marginalized and
conflictual contexts.
The event will feature national and international speakers, who will present
innovative archaeological approaches, in both theoretical and methodological
extensions. This will contribute not only to the training of the participants, but also to
the development of new ideas for the resolution to current issues.
Discussions will be held through roundtables, oral communications, posters and
work groups that intend to integrate all participants, speakers and listeners. By
reflecting on the advances of Archeology, it brings a premise of renewal to the agents of
archaeological practice, and new approaches to the identification, analysis,
interpretation and dissemination of material and immaterial culture.
The International Week of Archeology of the MAE / USP is an international scientific
event that takes place every two years since 2007 to promote the debate between the
research carried out by postgraduate, graduate and undergraduate students from both
MAE / USP and other institutions. Therefore we seek to continue the efforts already
displayed in previous editions, such as seeking to promote, consolidate and integrate the
various spheres that make up Archeology, enabling students, researchers and
professionals an interdisciplinary dialogue on archaeological issues and practices in
Brazil and all over the world.
May 20 - 24, 2019 - FFLCH/USP - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo - SP - Brazil