There are three categories available for presenting your research in the IV IWA: Banner, Presentation in Round-Tables and Open Communication.
For any of these categories, each person may submit one paper as first author and one as co-author. Those who exceed these limits will have their latest application rejected.
Co-authors do not need to register in the event in order to get their certificate of presentation (which will be available online to all participants). Nonetheless, they will need to register at least as "participant without presentation" to receive the Participant's Kit.
The submission of the presentation's abstract is mandatory on the act of registration for all categories of presentations (there is a special field for the abstract on the registration form). Abstracts must not exceed 1500 characters (counting blank spaces). Please do not forget to address the funding agencies of your research because they will be published with your abstract on the Abstract Book and will be available for download at Program page.
1) Presentation in Round-Table
This category is available for graduate students and professional archaeologists only. To submit a paper for presentation, check the available Round-Tables at the event's program page, and chose the one of your interest on the registration form. Do not forget to submit the abstract and co-authors (if there are any)!
a) Presentations must not be longer than 20min., with the exception of the invited lecturer, who will have an hour for presentation;
b) Computers and image projectors will be available for presentations and are a responsibility of the Organizing Committee;
c) If there is a need for other electronic devices (such as sound systems), please contact us in advance for its availability and installation to the required presentation;
d) The management of each Round-Table is a responsibility of each RT Commission;
e) All Round-Tables will have a debate coordinator, invited by the Organizing Committee, to manage presentation time and debate in each Session;
f) All certificates will be available as a digital document and delivered to the email address submitted in the registration form. Both authors and co-authors will have individual certificates;
g) Those presenting papers must be at the presentation room 10 minutes before the beginning of the Session; THOSE WHO DO NOT ATTEND IN ADVANCE WILL NO BE ALLOWED TO PRESENT;
h) All abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book of the event.
2) Open Communication
This category is available for graduate students and professional archaeologists only. It assembles presentations that the authors or the Organizing Committee considered out of the frame of the propositions of the Round-Tables. Sessions will be assembled according to the affinities of the papers submitted. If you wish to submit an Open Communication, just select the option in the registration form. Para inscrever uma comunicação avulsa, selecione essa opção no formulário de inscrição. Do not forget to submit the abstract and co-authors (if there are any)!
a) Presentations must not be longer than 20min;
b) Computers and image projectors will be available for presentations and are a responsibility of the Organizing Committee;
c) If there is a need for other electronic devices (such as sound systems), please contact us in advance for its availability and installation to the required presentation;
d) The management of the Open Communication Sessions is a responsibility of the Commission for Registration, Communication and Banners;
e) All Sessions will have a debate coordinator, selected by the Organizing Committee, to manage presentation time and debate;
f) All certificates will be available as a digital document and delivered to the email address submitted in the registration form. Both authors and co-authors will have individual certificates;
g) Those presenting papers must be at the presentation room 10 minutes before the beginning of the Session; THOSE WHO DO NOT ATTEND IN ADVANCE WILL NO BE ALLOWED TO PRESENT;
h) All abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book of the event.
3) Banner presentation
This category is open only to undergraduate students who wish to present their research, following the same guidelines as the Round-Tables and Open Communications, concerning authorship and co-authorship.
a) Banners must be 90 cm (35,43 in) wide and 100 cm (39,37 in) long;
b) Banners must have a hanging thread or cord (the Organizing Committee will not be able to hang it otherwise);
c) The title shown on the printed banner must be the same as the one submitted in the registration form;
d) The banner’s abstract submitted in the registration form will be published in the Abstract Book;
e) Banners must acknowledge authorship, co-authorship, and professional/institutional affiliation (including its city/state address);
f) We suggest the following guidelines for the banner's content:
- An introduction marking the research object/question and its geographical location (when available);
- Work methods;
- Results, conclusions and final thoughts;
- References used;
- Arrange the information so that the main ideas may be easily comprehended;
- Keep the relation among text, images and tables as clear and straightforward as possible;
- All images must have captions. All tables must also have captions and be elaborated as concise and clear as possible.
g) The banner's text must be readable at a minimum distance of 2 meters (6,56 ft.);
h) The Organizing Committee will schedule and announce the time and place for banner presentations;
i) A Scientific Commission will evaluate all banners, considering their structure, visual and graphic quality, and expertise of the presenter. One of the banners will be selected by said Commission as the best banner of the event;
j) During the scheduled time and place for banner evaluation, the Organizing Committee will note the absence of the banner's presenter. If the banner is unattended during the scheduled time and place for exhibition, it will not participate in the competition for best banner;
k) The winner for best banner will be announced during the Closing Ceremony of the event;
l) All certificates will be available as a digital document and delivered to the email address submitted in the registration form. Both authors and co-authors will have individual certificates;
m) Presenters of banners must remove them at the end of the scheduled presentation day. The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for banners abandoned during or after presentation schedule.