Click here to see detailed explanations on the different presentation categories of the event, which are Banner, Presentation in Round-Tables, Open Communications.
We are NO LONGER accepting registrations. Presentations and Lectures are open to the general public, but if you wish to get a certificate, you can still register at the Front Desk on the first morning of the Event.
Right before filling the registration form, you will be given instructions concerning the registration fee. They are as follows.
The fees are R$ 25,00 for presentations (open or Round Tables), and R$ 20,00 banner presentations and attendants without presentations. Registrations will be made at the event with a R$25,00 fee.
The payment must be made by deposit or transfer to the following account:
Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal (
Bank Office: 1003. Agency 001
Checking Account: 24165-0
In the name of: Emerson Nobre da Silva
Once the payment has been made, please send a scanned copy of the receipt to the following e-mail:, with the title “Registration Payment” and your name on the text.
Attention! Registration will only be complete after the fee’s payment has been confirmed until April 29th (DEADLINE EXTENDED) (those deposites made after 4:00 pm, will be validated the next day). Once confirmed, you will receive an e-mail acknowledging your registration, within 20 days. If you don't receive the confirmation, please contact the Organizing Comittee at the same address.
If you have any doubts, let us know!
See you in June!