The theme for the Fourth International Week of Archeology – Students – MAE-USP is “Celebrating 25 years of MAE – The Behind-the-Scenes”. In addition to the themed exhibition, the organizers will pay tribute to Dorath Uchoa. The displays will be available for viewing all week, next to the conference rooms.
The motif aims to bring together the history of the institution, its students, researchers, and employees against a backdrop of humanity that showcases more than the simple, mechanical making of archeology, ethnology, and museology by giving viewers an insight into the day-to-day activities, relationships formed in the process, and the passage of time.
Our intent is to showcase the history of MAE from within the institution itself, the archives, laboratories, and administration as well as to give outsiders a glimpse of what goes on off-campus through field researches and museum events. Nevertheless, our focus is to present more than the official history of the museum by zooming in on the day-to-day efforts that have contributed to the establishment of this foundation.
For this purpose, the photos (sent in by participants of this event) have been organized in four categories:
1) Day-To-Day Activities
In this category, we will select the photos that show behind-the-scenes, daily situations at the museum, whether they be breaks during the diggings, ludic moments at the labs, or the preparation of educational activities, etc.
2) Events
We would like for participants to send in photos of MAE’s community meetings, official and unofficial ones (end-of-year celebrations, weddings, etc).
3) Photos That Are Not Included in the Reports
We believe this category would help to demonstrate the organizational aspect of our work. We would like photos that show the preparatory steps involved in the organization of exhibitions, events, and diggings (field preparations, photo montages, etc).
4) MAE: Year 0 (or 25 Years Ago)
For this category, we would like photos taken in 1989 to help to establish the beginnings of MAE as it currently is, and to highlight the transformations it has undergone from that point up until its 25th anniversary.